Faith City Kids

We Can Learn A Lot From Our Children

Leaders in the Making

In the bible, children have a very significant role in participating in the overall story of God’s redemptive effort to save humanity. Jesus shares a special time with children during his ministry years. We can learn a lot from our children and their innocence and purity.

Faith City Kids Sunday

Here at Faith City, our children’s ministry is very important to us. We spend intentional time teaching and sharing bible stories so that our future leaders are brought up in the things of God. When you train your child up in the ways of the Lord, they will have a life long imprint of God’s teachings living in their hearts.

We have a great team of youth ministry leaders who care about the spiritual well-being of our children. Bring your kids to our services & experience Faith City Kids.

Community Events

Our church is full of loving, kind, fun, and amazing families with children. We host community events to connect with other families and children.

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Join the FC Kids Team

Do you have a heart for teaching? Do you enjoy sharing bible stories? We are looking for a few good and faithful leaders to join our team.

Become a children's ministry volunteer and help build our future leaders! Contact us below: